The track is a 1/4 mile long oval dirt (clay) track. It is one of the oldest tracks in New England.
During the 1950's it was also run by the Legion- being called the Legion Dust Bowl.
Mooselauke Apparel Booth
The Legion Speedway will be having an on-site souvenir booth. In this you will be able to purchase
such things as: T-Shirts, coffee mugs, Driver Photos, etc..
This year we look forward to bringing you four classes of racing: 4-cylinders, Super Streets, Modifieds,
and 360 Sprints. In addition to our weekly classes we will also be having visits from the Granite State Mini-Sprints
every other week and monthly enduros.
The track will also be holding many kid oriented events this year. This includes: Kid's Bike Races,
Treasure Hunts, and we will also be having a Kid's Club this year (details to come).